A downloadable tool for Windows

A small tool that creates fan comment text in a freakishly unhinged k-pop style, that you can then copy and paste to your favourite k-pop websites and discussion forums to show eternal irrational devotion to your k-pop bias.

Uses a comment on Asian Junkie's review of SF9's "Enough" as a template, this comment can be viewed in its original form here, or on Kpopalypse blog here.

Runs on Windows desktop only.

Support kpopalypse.com - or don't.


25/2/2019 - v1.1 - fixed a bug where the program crashed after the seventh group member.  Also zipped the .exe file which should prevent false positives from some virus checkers when downloading.

24/2/2019 - v1.0 - original version


crazycommentgenerator.zip 5 MB

Install instructions

  • Download
  • Extract to wherever
  • Run
  • Pray